Service Excellence Evaluators specialize in mystery audits and training initiatives as its core business. We create training modules based on results and scores of mystery audits. We assist our clients and their organizations to score a minimum of 90%+ on international benchmark of customer satisfaction levels.
Through our mystery audits and training programs we assist service related organizations such as hotels, restaurants, clubs, spas, nursing homes, banks, automotive companies, airlines and high end retail businesses.
SEE also performs audio audits to reflect right selling and up-selling traits and opportunities. Our evaluation results and scores create a road map towards higher customer satisfaction levels from the point of view of services, product, and value for money.
SEE has its registered office in Bangalore, India. Our evaluators and trainers are professionals drawn from hospitality and service industry. Our team brings to the table unrivalled knowledge and experience in providing best evaluation process. We train and assist senior level to line staff in sharpening their technical skills, customer services, and customer relations traits.